How to read and write in xlsx file using python

 · 6 mins read

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Lets import the required libraries

import xlwings as xw
import pandas as pd
import math
import numpy as np

xlwings can be installed using pip3 install xlwings

Lets have a look at the .xlsx file we are going to read we can read and assign it to the workbook

workbook = xw.Book(r'demodata.xlsx',"utf8")

Lets make sheet sht

sht = workbook.sheets('demodata')

Get the table in the Pandas data frame

df = sht.range('A1').options(pd.Series,expand='table').value

Its time to make a function getDataForKeyWord Lets say we have a keyword in any column of the .xlsx table Imagine its Fri and we want to find the occurences of it in the specified Column and then we want to find the respective values in any other column So this function will input the key word to search and also the index of the column to search the key word , to output the specific values for that keyword and put those values to a dict whose keys are the keyword,index of keyword and the value is value found in the target column Things will become much clear as we proceed So lets make it

def getDataForKeyWord(keyword, keyword_column,target_column):
	INFO = df.iloc[:,keyword_column:1+keyword_column].values
	# Here the : means all rows and , keyword_column is the index number of column
	# Lets make the dictionary and list to output
	sumDictOf = {}
	nameList = []
	for i in range (len(INFO)):
		text = INFO[i][0]
			if text.find(keyword)!=-1: # It will be not equal to -1 if keyword is found
				index = text.find(keyword) # here we find the keyword in the column
				L = len(keyword)  # Lets say if keyword is Fri so L = 1+1+1=3
				if (math.isnan(df.iloc[i,target_column:1+target_column].values[0])):
					sumDictOf[(text[0:index+L],i)] = 0
					# In real life .xlsx data we may come across NaN values
					# so this if was to handle that instant
					# On the other hand if value is a number then
					sumDictOf[(text[0:index+L],i)] = df.iloc[i,target_column:1+target_column].values[0]

  # Alright so lets output the values
	return sumDictOf,nameList

sumDictOf,nameList = getDataForKeyWord('Fri',1,3)

So above I just enter Fri for the input column 1:2 [weekdays] and the target column 3:4 [prices] so lets see how the values are obtained


Let me close the .xlsx file and again run , it will auto open it Lets change the keyword to search Good enough next we make a new .xlsx file to put two columns

wb = xw.Book()
xw.Range('A1').value = np.array(nameList).reshape(len(nameList),1) # first col
xw.Range('B1').value = np.array(list(sumDictOf.values())).reshape(len(list(sumDictOf.values())),1) # Second col
# And lets save it'output.xlsx')

Lets see , run it, close the .xlsx We see that the output file now has all selected keywords and their values. Thats all for today. Take care of yourself