What are yield and return statements in Python | PyShine

What are yield and return statements in Python

 · 1 min read

yield keyword means: Provide output and continue

return keyword means: Provide output and stop

import time
Lets try to make a list using a function
def make_list (num):
	for i in range(num):
		print('local variable i :',i)
		yield i
num = 3
value = make_list(num)
print('Here is value',value)

Lets make list of the value


next_value = next(value)
print('Here is next(value)',next_value)
next_value = next(value)
print('Here is next(value)',next_value)
next_value = next(value)
print('Here is next(value)',next_value)

# If we call the next value once more, we will get a traceback. 
# Because the stack of executions is already empty

# next_value = next(value)
# print('Here is next(value)',next_value)

# So to have a list back lets call the make_list again

value = make_list(num)