How to install OpenCV and Python in windows | PyShine

How to install OpenCV and Python in windows

 · 1 min read

These steps are tested on windows 7.

  1. Please download following Python packages and install them to their default locations Python 2.7. Also make the environment variable as name Path with value set to C:\Python27;%PYTHON_HOME%\;%PYTHON_HOME%\Scripts\;

  2. Please find pip installer python file named from here

  3. Press shift button and right click anywhere in the folder and select “Open command window here” and enter: python

  4. The pip installer will be installed and the go to C:\Python27\Scripts and again while holding the shift button in the Scripts folder right click to open the command window here. Enter the command pip install dateutils.

  5. Stay in the same command prompt and also install matplotlib by using the command pip install matplotlib.

  6. In addition we also need imutils , so again enter the command pip install imutils.

  7. Perform the command pip install pytesseract==0.1.8.

  8. The Tesseract-OCR setup is also required. Go ahead and install using the defaults values.

  9. An additional command has to be added in the python .py file, such as: pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Tesseract-OCR/tesseract'.

  10. Now, we need to install opencv.

  11. Extract the opencv to C: drive and after the extraction finishes , Go to the location C:\opencv\build\python\2.7\x86.

  12. And copy the file cv2.pyd from the location C:\opencv34\opencv\build\python\2.7\x86 and paste it to the location C:/Python27/Lib/site-packages.

  13. Now check the installation by


import cv2


The output will be 2.4.9. Congratulations! you have now successfully setup opencv and python.